Capacitar al alumnado para utilizar el idioma con soltura y eficacia en situaciones habituales que requieran comprender producir y tratar textos orales y escritos complejos en una variedad de lengua estándar con un repertorio léxico amplio y que versen sobre temas generales actuales o propios del campo de especialización del hablante.


Unit 1. Billboards
1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 advertisingthe media 4. Grammar 4.1 Articles and quantifiers 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Descriptive essay 7. Speaking 8. Key ideas.
Unit 2. Do it now!
1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 expressions with do and make 4. Grammar 4.1 Imperatives and exclamatives 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Formal letter/email 7. Speaking 7.1 rythm 8. Key ideas.
Unit 3. Inventions and inventors
1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 science 4. Grammar 4.1 Reported speech 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Report 7. Speaking 7.1 /s/ /z/ /iz/ 8. Key ideas.
Unit 4. Think green!
1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 world issues 4. Grammar 4.1 Clauses (whatever/whenever) 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 Discursive essay 7. Speaking 7.1 tripthongs 8. Key ideas
Unit 5. Lets go dancing!
1. Do you remember these words? 2. Reading 3. Vocabulary 3.1 expressions with go/ and ing 4. Grammar 4.1 Question tags 5. Listening 6. Writing 6.1 email 7. Speaking 7.1 fall and rise intonation 8. Key ideas.


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